Interview Questions for Event Planners:

1. How would you put on a great event, given a constrained budget?

Look for candidates who know how to prioritize essential items on the budget. The best candidates might have developed some creative solutions to lower costs, without sacrificing client expectations or attendee satisfaction.

2. How do you go about finding suitable suppliers for an event?

Good candidates should demonstrate an ability to research and negotiate with suppliers. Candidates should also ensure that they know what the client wants, as this must be a major deciding factor when choosing suppliers for an event.

3. Can you tell us about a difficult interaction you've had with a client?

The best candidate will be someone who knows how to have difficult conversations or handle demanding clients in a professional manner. Event Planners need strong interpersonal skills, and should be able to work well with a wide range of personalities.

4. How do you effectively manage your time when planning an event?

Ideally, candidates should demonstrate that they are experts at managing their time. Take note of candidates who can tell you about specific tools which they use, such as a schedule app on their mobile device or a color-coded board, for example.

5. What considerations would you keep in mind when planning an outdoor event?

Look for candidates who have a knack for detail and an ability to anticipate all potential risks. The weather is a major consideration, so they should take precautions for all types of conditions. Candidates should be able to mention a wide variety of considerations, and how to prepare for them.

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