Employee Relations Specialist Interview Questions:

1. What is the National Labor Relations Act?

This question tests a candidate's legal awareness. Look for detailed responses that include case studies relevant to the candidate's past experiences.

2. There is a dispute between employees. How do you handle it?

Candidates should describe how they would utilize excellent listening skills to understand both sides of the conflict, then implement corrective action according to company guidelines.

3. What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in an employee relations manager?

Candidates should list excellent interpersonal and communicative skills as essential qualities in an employee relations specialist.

4. How do you stay abreast of developments in employment law?

Candidates should list reading legal resources and attending conferences as their means of keeping updated.

5. Describe a time when you made a mistake in your duties. How did you rectify it?

Candidates should acknowledge the importance of diligence in their role and how mistakes on their part can lead to legal disputes between employees and employers. Look for stories where candidates erred, rectified their errors, and learned a valuable lesson from the experience.

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