Interview Questions for Directors of Operation:

1. Could you give me examples from past experience where you dealt effectively with underperforming employees?

The candidate's answer will display their ability to increase staff performance in a prudent manner and their leadership style.

2. How do you balance preventing stock losses and theft with building healthy management-staff relationships?

Listen for the potential hire to demonstrate the ability to address losses without alienating your staff.

3. Could you give me a detailed breakdown of your selection criteria for vendors?

The candidate's answer will show whether their values are similar to your company's.

4. If you felt the need to change our company’s culture, how would you go about it?

Listen carefully. The candidate's plan must be executed in a cautious and thoughtful manner.

5. Could you give me examples from your previous position where you introduced new technologies?

Listen for the potential hire to display the ability to introduce new technologies in a seamless manner.

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