Curator Job Description Template

We are looking for a knowledgeable, attentive curator to help us expand and display our collection. The curator will negotiate purchases and loans to expand our collection, collect and record information about artifacts and pieces, and work with colleagues and other staff members to create attractive displays. You should be a skilled communicator and manager with excellent design instincts.

To succeed as a curator, you should be detail-oriented, organized, and focused on cultivating a robust collection of pieces. You should have strong project and resource management skills and an understanding of the type of pieces we collect.

Curator Responsibilities:

  • Acquiring, researching, and recording information about acquisitions.
  • Designing displays and exhibits.
  • Ensuring that pieces not displayed are stored properly.
  • Negotiating purchases and loans.
  • Raising funds and obtaining grants to expand the collection, update facilities, or support research efforts.
  • Updating websites to explain new attractions.
  • Hiring, training, motivating, and managing staff members.
  • Handling businesses tasks, such as budgets, marketing, and representing the business at public events.

Curator Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in relevant field.
  • More education, experience, or a specialty in specific fields may be beneficial.
  • Experience with museum databases and other applications.
  • Comprehensive understanding of collection and fundraising.
  • Strong negotiation, resource management, and people skills.
  • Eye for detail and strong design instincts.
  • Exceptional research and verbal and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently or with other team members to achieve objectives.

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