Interview Questions for Content Managers

1. What is the foremost advantage good content brings to a company?

Candidates should go beyond listing the obvious; that is, that good content boosts a company's presence online. Good candidates will expound on the potential to build meaningful relationships with consumers by cutting through the noise and appealing to them in unique and creative ways.

2. Define 'good content' and 'bad content'. What makes content good or bad?

This shows a candidates ability to think deeply about the variables to consider when formulating a content strategy. Elements such as originality, engagement and value creation should be at the cornerstone of their thinking.

3. What is your favorite word and why?

This question is designed to test the creative ability of a candidate. Creative candidates are able to produce an answer that demonstrates both their wit and their prowess with the English language.

4. How would you know if your content was successful or not?

This is an opportunity for candidates to speak about the significance of analytics in their job.

5. Which companies have caught your eye with regards to content creation? What do you like about them?

Content Managers should be aware of the kinds of content that appeal to consumers. This question further elucidates a candidate's awareness of what makes 'good content', as well as displaying a familiarity with competing content strategies.

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