Interview Questions for BI Developers:

1. Which reporting tools do you prefer and why?

Look for candidates who demonstrate knowledge of BI tools. Take note of candidates who show a lack of experience in BI Development.

2. How would you analyze information for data warehousing?

Demonstrates candidates' analytical skills, as well as knowledge of data warehouse design.

3. What type of data warehouse system do you prefer and why?

Look for candidates who demonstrate up-to-date knowledge of data warehouse systems as well as experience in design.

4. How would you handle a situation where a customer had made a failed business decision based on one of your reports and was now blaming you for the business loss?

Demonstrates candidates' communication and interpersonal skills. Be wary of candidates who lack sufficient BI knowledge and experience to back up their reports.

5. What do you predict will happen in the financial market in the next 5 years?

Look for candidates who demonstrate up-to-date knowledge of financial and market trends.

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