Free banquet server resume template download

Banquet Server Resume Free Template Download

Download this Banquet Server Resume template in Microsoft Word format.

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Banquet Server Resume Example:

[Your Name]

[Current job title, if applicable]
[Street Address, City, Zip Code]
[Contact number] | [Professional email address] | [LinkedIn profile]


[Briefly discuss your experience, skills, and how you can benefit the company in the role of banquet server.]


[List any achievements/awards relevant to the banquet server position in chronological order.]


[Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Present, Location]
[Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location]
[Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location]


[School or institution | Location, Month 20XX - Month 20XX]
[Degree name / majors / relevant certificate]

[School 2 | Location, Month 20XX - Month 20XX]
[Degree name / majors / relevant certificate]


  • [Bulleted list of key skills relevant to the banquet server position. List 5–10 skills, including both soft and hard skills.]

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How to Write a Banquet Server Resume:

$0.00 USD
4 Hours

A step-by-step guide to writing a successful banquet resume.


Add your current contact information.


List your name and contact details at the top of your resume.

List your name and contact details at the top of your resume.

Include your full name, current address, contact number, email, and a link to your LinkedIn profile. You can also add a current title.

Make sure your email address is a professional one, without any references to childhood nicknames.


Write a summary.


Highlight the most compelling parts of your resume.

Highlight the most compelling parts of your resume.

Craft a summary where you highlight key aspects of your resume. In 2–3 sentences, describe what makes you the ideal candidate for the banquet server position. Use this space to make your resume personal. You may want to touch on any passions or qualities you have that are related to the position, for example, an interest in gourmet cuisine.


Mention any achievements or highlights.


Showcase the achievements that set you apart from other banquet servers.

Showcase the achievements that set you apart from other banquet servers.

If you've won an award for customer service, served at a prestigious banquet, or worked for an elite client, you'll want to mention it here. Complete this section in chronological order and only mention achievements that relate to the banquet server position.

You may include physical copies of your awards.


Talk about your experience working in hospitality.


Mention the companies and clients you've worked for.

Mention the companies and clients you've worked for.

The experience section is arguably the most important part of your resume. Here you'll want to mention the companies or clients you've worked for, their locations, your employment duration, and the relevant job titles. Include any serving jobs, hotel experience, and customer service roles you've held. Start with your most recent position.


Add your qualifications or educational background.


Provide the information about all of your relevant qualifications.

Provide the information about all of your relevant qualifications.

The minimum requirement for a banquet server is a high school diploma or GED, but be sure to inform your potential employer of any additional training. Having a food handler's certificate or a diploma in hospitality could push your resume to the top of the pile.


Add your skillset.


Showcase the skills you have that make you a good banquet server.

Showcase the skills you have that make you a good banquet server.

Some coveted skills recruiters look for in banquet servers include customer service, food preparation, and order-taking. Make sure that you can back your skills up. For example, if you include food preparation as a skill, you should be able to provide evidence of this in an interview by mentioning training or previous food preparation experience.


What should I put on my banquet server resume?

What skills are banquet servers expected to have?

  • Superb customer service and order-taking skills.
  • The ability to prepare and handle food well.
  • Sound communication and interpersonal skills.

What is the role of a banquet server?

A banquet server waits on guests at hotels or other catered events. They may serve food and drinks, clear tables, take orders, and help guests navigate the venue.

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