Application Architect Job Description Template

We are seeking a results-driven application architect to lead our application development team. You will be consulting with senior business managers on application requirements, incorporating desired functionalities into application development plans, and supervising application development stages.

To ensure success as an application architect, you should exhibit extensive application development knowledge and experience in evaluating business needs. A top-notch application architect will be someone whose expertise in application architecture translates into optimized business operations.

Application Architect Responsibilities:

  • Collaborating with senior managers to determine business-specific application needs.
  • Compiling and implementing application development plans for new or existing applications.
  • Leading the application development team and supervising the design, testing, and modification stages.
  • Demonstrating application prototypes and integrating user feedback.
  • Writing scripts and code for applications, as well as installing and updating applications.
  • Mentoring junior application developers and providing end-users with technical support.
  • Running diagnostic tests and performing debugging procedures.
  • Performing application integration, maintenance, upgrades, and migration.
  • Documenting application development processes, procedures, and standards.
  • Integrating trends in application architecture in application development projects.

Application Architect Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in computer science with a specialization in software engineering, application development, or similar.
  • A minimum of 2 years experience as an application architect, preferably in a related industry.
  • Highly proficient in programming languages, such as SQL, Java, C, and .NET.
  • Extensive experience in aligning application development with business needs.
  • Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills.
  • Superb organizational and time management skills.
  • Great collaboration and communication skills.

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