Interview Questions for Videographers:

1. How do you plan for a shoot?

Candidates should describe their extensive planning ahead of time. They need to know what the shot entails, how to shoot it, and what equipment is needed to execute it. Look for a methodical approach to planning and organization.

2. A Director is not happy with your ideas. How do you handle the situation?

Candidates should acknowledge that the vision for what a film should look like is not their own, but rather the vision of the director. They should try and sell the director on their own vision and expertise but should desist when instructed to.

3. What, in your opinion, are the most important qualities of a videographer?

Candidates should list good communication skills and the ability to execute on a creative vision as key qualities in a videographer.

4. Describe how you would ensure that production is on schedule. What steps would you take?

Candidates should describe how they would ensure that daily or weekly objectives are met. Look for a methodical approach to time management.

5. Describe a project you were involved in previously. What were you personally responsible for?

Shows work history and knowledge of the job.

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