Interview Questions for Technical Recruiters:
1. Can you describe the technical skills necessary for an applicant of a software engineer position?
Demonstrates the candidates' knowledge of technical skills.
2. How would you document, compile and present a list of the best applicants to the hiring manager?
Look for candidates who demonstrate good organizational skills. Be wary of candidates who demonstrate a lack of decision-making skills.
3. Which platforms are best suited to sourcing IT specialists?
Demonstrates candidates' knowledge of recruitment platforms, specific to IT.
4. What would you do if you disagreed with a hiring manager about the requirements for a particular job?
Look for candidates who demonstrate strong interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Take note of candidates who do not stand by their ideas.
5. What would you put in the job description for a computer programmer?
Demonstrates the candidates' experience in writing job descriptions. Take note of candidates who only list requirements rather than providing a full description.