Interview Questions for Recruitment Coordinators:

1. What would you put in an info packet for prospective employees about our company?

Look for candidates who demonstrate a working knowledge of the company and can show skill in attracting future employees.

2. What steps would you take if an employee came to you with a complaint against a manager?

Demonstrates knowledge of employment legislature, as well as interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

3. What kind of recruitment strategies have you found to be successful?

Demonstrates experience in recruitment as well as knowledge of recruitment processes.

4. Do you have strategies for handling large numbers of applicants?

Look for candidates who demonstrate organizational skills and are able to filter the best applicants for the company and the job position.

5. Which media outlets do you think are best suited for job postings?

Demonstrates knowledge of HR resources and tools, as well as media outlets. Take note of candidates who only focus on social media.

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