Interview Questions for Strategic Sourcing Managers:

1. Can you describe how you create supplier cost estimates?

Evaluates the candidate's knowledge and their ability to effectively estimate and forecast supplier costs.

2. In your opinion, how could sourcing processes be made more cost-effective?

Assesses the candidate's strategic sourcing knowledge and their ability to implement cost-saving measures.

3. Which terms should supplier contracts include to prevent escalating costs?

Demonstrates the candidate's experience in assessing supplier contracts, and their ability to negotiate favorable contractual terms.

4. Which software do you recommend to manage strategic sourcing? Why?

Tests the candidate's knowledge and proficiency in industry-related software that streamlines sourcing processes and enables access to information.

5. Can you tell me about a time when you negotiated a great supplier contract?

Highlights the candidate's strategic sourcing knowledge and experience, as well as their ability to negotiate favorable contractual terms.

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