Interview Questions for School Social Workers:

1. What methods have you discovered that work best in coaxing reluctant students to open up to you?

Demonstrates candidates' experience and problem-solving skills. Avoid candidates who demonstrate poor interpersonal skills.

2. What steps should you take if a student shows clear indications of abuse?

Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge and critical thinking skills. Be wary of candidates who demonstrate an unwillingness to investigate the student's home life.

3. Can you describe some workshops you have held (or would like to hold) and how they were received?

Demonstrates the applicant's experience and critical thinking skills.

4. What kind of social service agencies have you worked with, in the support of students' well-being?

Demonstrates the candidate's interpersonal skills. Be wary of candidates who lack good relationships with various social service agencies.

5. Can you describe a time when you successfully helped a student to socially adjust to a new school? What methods did you use?

Demonstrates the applicant's experience and critical thinking skills.

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