School Resource Officer Job Description Template

We are looking for a dedicated school resource officer to provide security and develop safety plans for our school. The school resource officer's responsibilities include developing the best safety procedures for potential threats in the school, conducting drills with students and staff, breaking up fights, and de-escalating aggression between students and between students and teachers. The school resource officer is the main security resource of the school and is a certified police officer.

To be successful as a school resource officer, you should have patience and an even temper, and the ability to mediate fights and arguments. You should be a moral and ethical role model for students.

School Resource Officer Responsibilities:

  • Breaking up fights and arguments and assisting all parties to talk through their differences.
  • Detaining or arresting students who are breaking the law in regards to drugs, bringing weapons to school, or making threats to the school.
  • Remanding students who commit lesser offenses to the principal or vice-principal.
  • Conducting physical searches of students' property if they are suspected of breaking the law and ensuring the school administrators' safety during these searches.
  • Patrolling the school grounds, ensuring overall safety, viewing videos and security monitors, and watching for strangers or suspicious activity.
  • Supervising metal detectors and special events and directing foot and auto traffic if necessary.
  • Giving assembly presentations on school safety, drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, and online safety.
  • Protecting the school and students against theft and property damage, and assisting in medical emergencies.
  • Maintaining positive relationships and contact with students to prevent juvenile delinquency.
  • Working with guidance counselors and support staff to assist students when referrals to service agencies are necessary, or to assist in conflict resolutions.

School Resource Officer Requirements:

  • A certification from a police academy with advanced training in a school setting.
  • A background in criminal justice may be advantageous.
  • A first aid and CPR certificate.
  • A clear drug and criminal background check.
  • A patient attitude and even temper.
  • The ability to counsel and interact with children and teenagers.

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