Interview Questions for Quality Analysts:

1. What is a test plan?

Look for candidates who demonstrate excellent knowledge of test plans, which are vital components in this profession.

2. How would you draw up a test plan?

The best candidates will be able to walk you through their process, revealing good communication skills and an analytical, methodical mind.

3. How would you approach the relevant department about their failure to meet a quality standard?

Look for candidates with great interpersonal skills, who not only provide feedback, but offers potential solutions.

4. Can you give me an example of a problem you found, and how you fixed it?

This question will reveal candidates who have excellent problem-solving abilities. The ideal candidate is someone who finds innovative solutions to problems.

5. How would you deal with a department who disagrees with your analysis?

The candidate should have great conflict resolution skills. Look for someone who would provide a measured but confident rebuttal, backed up with conclusive evidence they have gathered.

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