Interview Questions for Network Technicians:

1. What are the four TCP/IP layers, and how do they work?

Tests the candidate's knowledge of network technologies, as well as their ability to communicate technical information clearly and concisely.

2. A co-worker cannot log into their computer one day. What steps would you take to troubleshoot this?

Tests the candidate's ability to diagnose and resolve a technical support issue.

3. What questions would you ask us to determine which RAID configuration is best for our data storage?

Tests the candidate's communication and listening skills, as well as their understanding of best practices for data storage.

4. What's been one of the biggest challenges you've overcome while installing or supporting a company's network?

Tests the candidate's problem-solving skills and perseverance.

5. How would you handle a long queue of technical support issues you've been tasked with?

Tests the candidate's time management and organizational skills.

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