Medical Interpreter Job Description Template

We are looking for a fast-thinking and empathetic medical interpreter to ensure a mutual understanding between healthcare providers and patients who do not speak a shared language. The Medical Interpreter is responsible for conveying medical information to patients in an understood language, as well as informing healthcare professionals of any information provided by the patient.

To be successful as a medical interpreter you must have empathy for patients who are in a vulnerable position while providing accurate and unbiased translations. You should be able to make quick translations under pressure to convey essential information.

Medical Interpreter Responsibilities:

  • Providing accurate translations for healthcare providers and patients.
  • Ensuring that medical information is understood by patients by simplifying any jargon.
  • Keeping any information shared by the patient confidential.
  • Bridging cultural gaps between patients and healthcare providers which may impede providing the needed information.

Medical Interpreter Requirements:

  • Fluency in at least two relevant languages.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Experience with translation.
  • Good knowledge of medical terminology.
  • Excellent verbal communication skills.

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