Interview Questions for Medical Interpreters:

1. Do you have the ability to adjust to speakers with diverse voices speaking rapidly at times?

The applicant's answer will display their skills as an Interpreter.

2. Are you impartial in your role as an Interpreter, and why would you say so?

Being an Interpreter is a responsible position. The potential hire needs to display the ability to treat all parties fairly and to desist from altering communications.

3. Are you comfortable with interpreting vulgarity, profanity, and unpleasant information, and why?

Working as an Interpreter requires interpretation and translation of a wide range of communications, which at times may be offensive to their sensibilities. The prospective hire needs to show the ability to overcome this challenge.

4. Could you give me a detailed list of communication barriers in interpreting, and how do you overcome these?

The prospective hire’s answer will share their awareness of potential challenges and their problem-solving skills.

5. Can you describe your experience in the medical field?

Medical Interpreters will need to understand medical terms to accurately convey information.

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