Makeup Artist Interview Questions:

1. A client is not happy with their look. How do you respond?

Candidates should acknowledge that they do not always have the final say over their cosmetic design. Candidates should always be aware of their role as executors of someone else's vision unless the client grants the makeup artist a creative license.

2. What is your favorite celebrity makeup look and why?

This question tests a candidate's knowledge of current makeup trends and gives employees an insight into their creative taste.

3. What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in a makeup artist?

Candidates should list excellent listening skills and attention to detail as the most important qualities in a makeup artist.

Candidates should list reading fashion or beauty magazines and maintaining a Pinterest board of makeup styles as part of their efforts to stay updated.

5. Describe a time when you made a mistake in your duties. How did you rectify it?

Candidates should acknowledge the importance of diligence in their role and how oversight can lead to design errors or an unsatisfied client. Look for stories where candidates erred, rectified their errors, and learned a valuable lesson from the experience.

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