HTML Developer Job Description Template

We are looking for an experienced HTML developer to oversee the design, coding, and implementation of website projects for our clients. In this role, you will be required to collaborate with Website Designers on the initial web design, write the code, ensure cross-platform compatibility, and provide user support.

To be successful as an HTML developer, you should have a good eye for detail and excellent knowledge of front-end technologies. Ultimately a top-notch HTML developer should be proficient in web design, a master coder, and someone with the skills to provide user support.

HTML Developer Responsibilities:

  • Meeting with Web designers to discuss project design and layout.
  • Coding the entire HTML site from end to end.
  • Debugging code and front-end web applications.
  • Ensuring cross-platform compatibility.
  • Troubleshooting application errors.
  • Conducting website performance and usability tests.
  • Meeting publication deadlines.
  • Providing user support.

HTML Developer Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering, MIS, or similar.
  • At least 3 years' experience as an HTML Developer.
  • In-depth knowledge of front-end coding languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML.
  • Ability to troubleshoot coding and application errors.
  • Knowledge of web design and user application requirements.
  • Ability to meet strict publication deadlines.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong attention to detail.

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