Interview Questions for Floral Designers:

1. What would you do in situations where customers choose floral arrangements that are not occasion-appropriate?

Demonstrates the candidate's communication and customer service skills, as well as experience.

2. How do you ensure that customers are happy with customized floral arrangements?

Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of different floral arrangement styles as well as communication and customer service skills.

3. How do you ensure that all floral arrangement orders are completed on time?

Demonstrates the candidate's organizational and time management skills.

4. What would you do if a customer asked for unseasonal flowers to be used in a particular floral arrangement?

Demonstrates the candidate's communication, customer service, and problem-solving skills.

t### 5. How do you speed up or slow down the blooming process to ensure that flowers look fresh and open when delivered to customers? Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of flower processing as well as work experience.

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