Interview Questions for Flight Nurses:

1. Tell me about a time when you achieved a positive result for a very ill patient?

Demonstrates the candidate's skills and experience, as well as suitability for the role.

2. In your experience, what is the best in-flight intubation technique to use?

Assesses the candidate's knowledge of standard and inverse intubation techniques, and their ability to adapt their practice when required.

3. Tell me about a few in-flight challenges you dealt with. What did you learn?

Evaluates the candidate's skills and whether the descriptions meet job expectations.

4. How do you ensure your safety and still administer treatment during turbulence?

Reveals the candidate's experience and problem-solving skills, and whether they take appropriate precautions.

5. Can you describe how and when you relay patient information to emergency staff?

Tests the candidate's communication and recordkeeping skills, and reveals whether they keep trauma units sufficiently informed on flight ETAs and patient conditions.

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