Field Inspector Job Description Template

We are looking to hire an experienced field inspector to conduct field investigations on properties for our clients. As a field inspector, you will be responsible for driving to the property location, documenting the condition of the property, conducting home inspections, ascertaining any potential problems, and writing up inspection reports. You may also be required to perform commercial reviews on restaurants and department stores.

To ensure success as a field inspector, you should have extensive knowledge of land and building codes, a good eye for detail, and advanced report writing skills. A top-class field inspector quickly identifies issues and provides an accurate appraisal of the property value.

Field Inspector Responsibilities:

  • Receiving and processing inspection orders.
  • Charting route maps for location areas.
  • Driving to site locations.
  • Conducting visual inspections of the property and buildings.
  • Photographing all areas of the property.
  • Performing home and equipment inspections.
  • Interviewing staff and property managers.
  • Documenting potential problems and areas of concern.
  • Compiling and presenting inspection reports.

Field Inspector Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED.
  • Previous experience as a field inspector.
  • Advanced analytical skills.
  • High-level photography skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to write and present reports.
  • Ability to travel extensively and work irregular hours.
  • Good interpersonal skills.

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