Escrow Officer Job Description Template

We are looking to hire an experienced escrow officer to perform legal administrative duties for clients selling and buying properties. In this role, you will be responsible for ensuring the property titles are clear, outstanding debts have been paid, all financial obligations have been met, and that the real estate agreements are authentic. You will also handle the deposition of funds and the processing of legal paperwork to finalize the transaction.

To ensure success as an escrow officer, you should demonstrate exceptional decision-making skills, advanced clerical knowledge, and good communication skills. An experienced escrow officer quickly finds flaws in real estate agreements and completes the legal requirements for the sale of a property in a timely manner.

Escrow Officer Responsibilities:

  • Verifying the accuracy of land ownership documents.
  • Conferring with buyers, sellers, and lending institutions.
  • Examining property titles for delinquent taxes.
  • Examining and summarizing mortgages and trust deed documents.
  • Reviewing and summarizing search activity documents.
  • Obtaining property drawings and reports from county surveyors or assessors.
  • Ensuring all financial obligations have been met by the seller and the buyer.
  • Preparing legal documents for the closure of the sale.
  • Holding and transferring funds.
  • Finalizing the real estate transaction and preparing closing reports.

Escrow Officer Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED.
  • State escrow certification.
  • Proven work experience as an Escrow Officer.
  • Excellent decision-making skills.
  • Advanced clerical knowledge.
  • Ability to read and interpret blueprints and property maps.
  • Knowledge of legal codes, court procedures, and executive orders.
  • Basic computer and office software skills.
  • Good communication skills.

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