Engineering Manager Job Description Template

We are looking for trustworthy and proactive engineering managers with many years’ engineering experience and proven leadership skills. Engineering managers can expect to work on many projects at the same time, build and manage diverse teams of engineers from different disciplines, formulate and execute strategies, and coordinate with other managers. Their responsibilities usually include researching and developing new designs and products, proposing budgets for projects, and overseeing all the activities related to each project.

To be successful as an engineering manager, you should have exceptional foresight, great communication skills, working knowledge of different engineering disciplines and how they relate to one another, and an aptitude for managing risk. Ideally, candidates will have proof of their supervisory and technical skills, and an appreciation for the complex nature of the industry.

Engineering Manager Responsibilities:

  • Proposing and managing budgets for projects.
  • Supervising the work of multiple teams.
  • Planning and executing strategies for completing projects on time.
  • Researching and developing designs and products.
  • Determining the need for training and talent development.
  • Hiring contractors and building teams.
  • Ensuring products have the support of upper management.
  • Providing clear and concise instructions to engineering teams.

Engineering Manager Requirements:

  • Master's degree in engineering management, technical management, or business administration.
  • Bachelor's degree in the engineering field.
  • Many years' engineering experience.
  • Proven supervisory and technical skills.
  • Must come highly recommended.

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