Interview Questions for Communications Directors

1. What is your philosophy on honesty and deception as it applies to your role?

Communications directors are shrewd, machiavellian operators who are adept at managing the 'dark arts' of communication. Great candidates will acknowledge the moral nuances that are required and understand the role of deception as a reality of their job. Moreover, they will emphasize the importance of being selective with what 'truth' they disseminate and the timing thereof, displaying an awareness of the variables under their control. Candidates of a rigid moral standing are ill-suited to the profession.

2. How would you build relationships with journalists and ensure that they remain fruitful?

The ability to build and maintain a successful relationship with the media is a key component of the role. Candidates who project charisma are able to achieve this.

3. Describe an event where you had to manage a crisis. How did you overcome it?

This provides the candidate an opportunity to demonstrate both an example of the kinds of challenges he/she has had to overcome and the strategy he/she used to achieve success. Look out for innovative or creative approaches to problem-solving.

4. Tell me about a time when you had to override a management decision because you thought it was the wrong one. Were you successful?

Being a communications director involves having the confidence to make bold decisions. Candidates who have confronted senior management and backed themselves show trust in their decision-making.

5. What kinds of decisions would you delegate to your staff?

Delegation is a way of displaying trust in your subordinates. Communications directors have to balance the involvement of their staff with effective decision-making. Is the candidate a micro-manager or does he facilitate teamwork? Does he strike this balance?

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