Interview Questions for Chefs de Partie:

1. What's been your favorite thing to do in the kitchen?

Look for candidates who are passionate about the roles they play in the kitchen. This question will also give you an idea of which station in the kitchen might best suit the candidate's talents and aptitudes.

2. How would you react to a head chef's instruction if you believed it was incorrect?

Good candidates should trust that the head chef knows best, and follow their instructions. There is room, however, to respectfully bring up misgivings, provided this does not disrupt service.

3. How do you keep your workspace organized and sanitary?

The ideal candidate will have great organizational skills and a thorough understanding of best practices for health and safety in the kitchen.

4. Can you tell us about a time in the kitchen when you've been under the most pressure?

Look for candidates who can successfully handle pressure, who remain level-headed and focused when service gets frenetic.

5. What do you think are essential qualities for successful teamwork in the kitchen?

You want a chef de partie who knows what it takes for a team of kitchen staff to work effectively together. They might mention qualities such as excellent communication, good leadership and direction from the top, trust in each member of the team, and so on.

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