Budget Analyst Job Description Template

We are looking for a number-cruncher with attention to detail for the position of Budget Analyst. Budget Analysts are responsible for analyzing budget proposals, determining funding allocations, defending budget recommendations against various stakeholders, and forecasting future financial requirements.

Budget Analysts are well-versed in statistical modeling and are expert mathematicians. Beyond their quantitative skill set, they also need to petition and persuade management to approve their requests, requiring good communicative and interpersonal skills.

Budget Analyst Responsibilities:

  • Evaluating budget proposals and funding requests.
  • Collaborating with project managers to develop a budget.
  • Conducting cost-benefit analyses to determine value.
  • Approving or rejecting funding requests.
  • Determining whether budget proposals are in compliance with regulations.
  • Defending budget recommendations against management.
  • Developing a final budgetary agreement with management.
  • Monitoring spending to ensure it remains within budget.
  • Estimating and forecasting future financial needs.

Budget Analyst Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, or related field.
  • Master's degree preferred.
  • Experience managing budgets.
  • Highly analytical mindset.
  • Proficiency in data analysis and statistical forecasting.
  • Excellent mathematical aptitude.
  • Good problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills.
  • Attention to detail.

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