Automated Logistical Specialist Job Description Template

We are looking for a highly organized automated logistical specialist to supervise operations at our warehouse. You will be maintaining stock and inventory records, directing stock movement, and overseeing storage and maintenance procedures.

To ensure success as an automated logistical specialist, you should possess extensive knowledge of stock maintenance and experience in a similar role. A top-notch automated logistical specialist will be someone whose organizational skills translate into effective logistical operations.

Automated Logistical Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Creating and maintaining stock and inventory records.
  • Verifying stock quantities received against shipping documents, purchase requests, and bills of contracts.
  • Keeping logistical operations within budget without compromising efficiency.
  • Overseeing the unloading, unpacking, inventorizing, and storage of incoming supplies, goods, parts, and equipment.
  • Collaborating with internal departments to receive or deliver supplies, parts, and equipment.
  • Ensuring sufficient management of storage space, as well as maintaining a safe and tidy environment.
  • Performing stock control and accounting procedures, as well as preparing material control and supply reports.
  • Ensuring that equipment is securely stored and remain fully operational.
  • Handling and storing hazardous or perishable materials and goods as prescribed.
  • Complying to logistical regulations and internal policies.

Automated Logistical Specialist Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED.
  • Bachelor's degree in logistics, supply chain management, or similar preferred.
  • A minimum of 2 years experience in logistical management in a related field.
  • Proficiency in logistical software, such as the Army Record Information Management System (ARIMS) or Infoplus WMS.
  • Extensive knowledge of best practices in logistical management.
  • Knowledge of accounting practices.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Advanced leadership and organizational abilities.
  • Superb time-management and recordkeeping skills.

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