Interview Questions for Anesthesiologists:

1. When discussing a patient's medical history before an operation, what potential risks do you look for?

Demonstrates candidates' attention to detail and knowledge of medical procedures and their complications.

2. Have you ever witnessed or made a mistake in surgery? How did you respond?

Demonstrates candidates' willingness to admit to and learn from their mistakes, as well as team working abilities. Take note of candidates who cannot accept that mistakes are made, often with fatal consequences.

3. How would you handle the loss of a patient on the operating table?

Demonstrates the candidates' ability to handle stress and compartmentalize in order to perform the job to the best of their ability.

4. How would you assist a patient who is not responding to pain medications post-op?

Look for candidates who demonstrate a strong working knowledge of pain management principles, as well as interpersonal skills.

5. What procedure would you use to counteract a negative response to anesthesia?

Demonstrates candidates' medical skills and knowledge of medications.

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