Talent Acquisition Manager Job Description Template

The talent acquisition manager is responsible for filling positions in the company by sourcing viable candidates and assessing their suitability to the company. The talent acquisition manager is also responsible for ensuring that current employees are satisfied with the company.

To be successful as a talent acquisition manager you must have excellent interpersonal skills and a passion for working with others. A good talent acquisition manager is incredibly organized and able to multitask.

Talent Acquisition Manager Responsibilities:

  • Create a talent acquisition strategy.
  • Interview candidates who are applying for a job.
  • Assess the needs of current employees.
  • Adjust employee benefits according to observed needs.
  • Conduct employee satisfaction surveys.
  • Visit job fairs at schools or universities.

Talent Acquisition Manager Requirements:

  • A degree in human resources management, business administration or a relevant field.
  • Prior experience as a talent acquisition manager, or similar experience in an HR role.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Knowledge of human resources laws.
  • Knowledge of job posting sites and professional social media platforms such as LinkedIn.
  • Ability to multitask.
  • Knowledge of various interviewing methods.

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