Internship Interview Questions — Free Download

The top 10 internship interview questions listed in a printable PDF.

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Intern Interview Questions:

1. What do you know about our company?

Top candidates will have researched the company and have an idea of the type of experience they can gain from an internship. Look out for those who cannot answer the question.

2. Why do you want to work in this industry?

Depending on the industry, most candidates will have studied or completed training for the role. They should easily be able to explain why they want to work in the industry and what they hope to gain from being an intern.

3. Which areas of the company are you most interested in?

This question builds on the one above. If the candidate has done their research and has an idea of the experience they want, they should be able to identify the department they would like to work in.

4. What do you hope to gain from your internship?

This question reveals what the candidate expects from the experience and whether this matches what you are offering. If the type of work experience you are offering does not match what the candidate would like to learn, it may be worth looking at a different person for the position.

5. What skills do you have that will make you suitable for the internship role?

Certain skills will be necessary for the role. Look for candidates with hard and soft skills that align with the type of work they will be doing.

6. How would you prioritize your work?

This question will give you insight into the candidate’s multitasking skills. Be wary of those who struggle to answer the question or appear not to have a system for organizing and prioritizing workloads.

7. Why do you think you would do well in this internship?

This is another chance for the candidate to highlight their skills and show they have an interest in the industry, the company, and the role they are applying for.

8. How will you handle working under multiple managers?

Interns often go where they are needed, reporting to managers in different departments. Look for candidates with good communication skills and a willingness to work in different departments.

9. What are your career plans after this internship?

When applying for an internship, candidates should have an idea of the type of job they would like to apply for and where. Be wary of candidates who cannot answer the question or who are looking for a career in a completely different field.

10. Would you be interested in working for our company if your internship is successful?

Creating a talent pipeline begins with internships. A company that spends time and resources training staff will be looking for a return on their investment. Look for candidates who show great interest in the company and an eagerness to join the team.


What are the most common internship interview questions?

  • Why do you want to work in this industry?
  • Which areas of the company are you most interested in?
  • How will you prioritize your work?
  • Why do you think you will do well in this internship?
  • What are your career plans after this internship?

Where can I find intern interview questions?

We have created a list of the most popular intern interview questions with tips for employers.

What are good questions to ask in an internship interview?

Since interns have very little work experience, good questions to ask include why they would like to work for your company, if they work well in a team, and what skills they have that would make them suitable for the role.

What are the top interview questions for internship candidates?

Some of the best interview questions to ask interns include what they know about your company, what departments they are interested in, and what they would like to get out of the internship.

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