Cover Letter Address Template

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Cover Letter Address Template:

[Full Name]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]

[LinkedIn Profile/website link]


[Name of the Company or Institution receiving your cover letter]

[Subject Line]

[Cover letter body.]


[Insert name]

How to Address a Cover Letter

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How to Address a Cover Letter

A step-by-step guide to addressing a cover letter.


How to address the hiring manager.


Find the name of the hiring manager.

Find the name of the hiring manager.

While it's important to address the hiring manager directly in your cover letter, oftentimes a job ad won't mention a contact person, especially if it's advertised through a recruiter. Fortunately, you can often find out who the hiring manager or head of the department is with a quick internet search. If all else fails, use "Dear Hiring Manager."


Address hiring managers by name if possible.

Address hiring managers by name if possible.

Always address the hiring manager directly by using Mr. or Ms. followed by their last name. Furthermore, using Ms. instead of Miss or Mrs. will avoid offending a female hiring manager, particularly if you don't know her marital status.

For example:

"Dear Mr. Smith"

"Dear Ms. Smith"

If you're unsure about the gender of the hiring manager, use both their first and last names.

For example:

"Dear Taylor Smith"

"Dear Jordan Newton"


Use the correct title.

Use the correct title.

Generally, using a professional title conveys respect and should always be used when the hiring manager has one, such as Doctor, Professor, Sergeant, Reverend, etc. You can shorten the title for brevity.

For example:

"Dear Dr. Smith"

"Dear Prof. Einstein"

"Dear Sgt. Newton"

"Dear Rev. Parker"


Address unknown hiring managers by their job title.

Address unknown hiring managers by their job title.

When you don't know the name of the hiring manager, the most acceptable salutation to use is "Dear Hiring Manager." Although you're not addressing someone directly, it still conveys professionalism and attention to detail. Avoid using the antiquated "To whom it may concern."

For example:

"Dear Customer Service Hiring Manager"

"Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager"

Note: Use a comma after your salutation, followed by a space and the body of your cover letter.


How to address an e-mail cover letter.


Include a subject line.

Include a subject line.

Hiring managers receive tons of emails so it's important to include a clear subject line indicating which job you are applying for.

For example:

Subject Line: Job application for sales manager position.


Address the hiring manager.

Address the hiring manager.

Start off the body of your email with the hiring manager's name or use a general salutation.

For example:

Dear Mr. Smith, OR Mr. Smith,

[Cover letter text...]


Include your name and contact details.

Include your name and contact details.

Lastly, sign off your email with your name, email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile or website link.

For example:

Samantha Phillips

+09 012 029 9234

Common cover letter address mistakes:

  • Make sure that you've addressed your cover letter to the right person, and that their name is spelled correctly.
  • Do not use "Hello," "Hey," or "Hi," as this could come off as too informal.
  • Do not use outdated salutations like "Dear Sir," "Dear Madam," or "To Whom it may Concern."

Common Cover Letter Mistakes

What to avoid when writing your resume cover letter.


How do I address a cover letter?

Always address the hiring manager directly by name. If you don't know the hiring manager's name, do some research or use a general salutation.

How do I address a cover letter to a PHD (doctor)?

If the hiring manager has a professional title, always put the title in front of their name, e.g. "Dear Dr. Einstein."

How do I start a cover letter?

It's important to start a cover letter with a greeting or salutation.

What is a good cover letter address format?

Addressing the hiring manager by name shows professionalism and establishes a connection. If you don't know their name even after doing a Google search, use a general salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager."

How do you address a cover letter to an unknown recipient?

It's acceptable to use a general salutation like these:

  • "Dear Hiring Manager."
  • "Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager."
  • "Dear Customer Service Hiring Manager."
  • "Dear IT Department Hiring Manager."

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